Element is combusting with excitement ahead of The Matrix Conference

September 16, 2024

Element is bursting with pride to be the anchor sponsor of The Matrix Conference, which kicks off on Thursday.

Running 19-22 September, the conference demonstrates the rapid adoption of Matrix in the public sector with presentations from a huge range of Element customers, partners and other large scale Matrix deployments including:

  • DINUM, the French government’s digital ministry
  • Gematik, Germany’s national agency for the digitalisation of the healthcare system
  • ePost Service AG, a subsidiary of the Swiss Post
  • Allied Command Transformation (ACT), NATO's Strategic Warfare Development Command
  • Ridgeline International, a pioneer in data privacy and secure infrastructure solutions
  • Försäkringskassan, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency
  • Tele2, the Swedish network operator
  • FITKO, the Federal IT Cooperation to drive the digitalisation of Germany’s public administration
  • ZenDiS, Germany’s Center for Digital Sovereignty and developer of openDesk

A tiny sneak peek….

We won’t reveal the details just yet, but we’ll be announcing Element X, Element Call and Element Server Suite all running on Matrix 2.0.

It’s a huge step change for Element. A super-smooth user experience to effortlessly migrate the workforce from consumer messaging apps - with a turbo-charged backend for high end performance and a highly polished admin console for control and compliance.

Element presentations

There are more than 50 presentations at The Matrix Conference, including 17 speakers from Element. Most of our Element speakers are presenting on Matrix innovations and specific MSCs, but notable product presentations include:

The keynote presentation is Matthew Hodgson, Element CEO and project lead & co-founder of Matrix, presenting Matrix 2.0 and how the protocol now supports communication apps to outperform mainstream alternatives.

The Matrix Conference is sold out, but will be live streamed on the Matrix Foundation’s YouTube channel.

Whether you’re new to Matrix or a long time user, now is the perfect time to experience the future of sovereign and secure communications. Element X and ESS delivers security and speed, as well as a joyful user experience.

See you in Berlin (or online)!

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